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Minneapolis Institute of Art Addition

Harris has a long-standing relationship with the Minneapolis Institute of Art and has provided mechanical systems and maintenance work for many years. When the museum planned to build a new addition, Harris joined JE Dunn Construction to perform mechanical services for the project.

Harris’ knowledge of existing systems provided a value-add for the customer. The team was able to come in early in the planning process and devise a custom mechanical system that efficiently met the museum’s unique air quality and temperature control needs.

To save time, Harris manufactured piping and ductwork which was then shipped to the site and installed. To maintain museum-quality air, two 7,000,000-British thermal units input hot water heating boilers, two 2,500,000-British thermal units steam humidification boilers and two 320-ton centrifugal chillers and cooling towers were installed. To distribute the air from the boilers and chillers, a 25,000-cubic feet per minute custom air handling unit and two 50,000-cubic feet per minute custom air handling units were added.

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square feet
  • Location
    Minneapolis, MN
  • Owner
    Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts
  • General Contractor
    JE Dunn Construction
  • Market
    Amusement + Recreation
  • Expertise
  • Delivery Method
  • Scope
    Fire Protection, HVAC, Plumbing, Temperature Controls
  • Completion Date